I was trembling at the sight of him.

When I got done with the furnace, I knocked on the door, and the same man opened it.

Animals don’t usually cause me to be fearful, but last week was unusual. I went to this one house to work on their furnace, and knew ahead of time that they had a dog. That dog wasn’t just any dog. He stood in the window when I got to the house, and that window was at least seven feet off the ground. He was looking out at me, and I could see the drool coming off his mouth. I could hear him growl and scratch at the door when I rang the doorbell. I heard a man yell to someone to get the dog under control while he got the HVAC technician into the house. My insides were shaking and I was trembling at the thought of going into that house. When I got inside, a woman was holding onto the dog and he was jumping. I stayed behind the man until we got to the basement door, and then he shoved me inside and closed the door. He tried to tell me the dog wasn’t dangerous, but he liked to play and I looked like a new friend. I wasn’t overly fond of dogs, gut this one seemed dangerous. When I got done with the furnace, I knocked on the door, and the same man opened it. I saw the dog come rushing around the door. I didn’t even get to the door when the big dog pounced on me. He licked my face so much that I could feel the slobber coming down my neck. I found out I wasn’t the only HVAC technician who was attacked by this dog and nearly drowned by his drool while being licked nearly to death.
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