Who told them that I needed an air conditioner?

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I get calls on the iphone and they start asking all these very personal questions.

  • By the iphone number, I should guess they are sales calls either trying to sell me a random service, or tell me they have cancelled my social security number, or some other big lie for why they are calling.

Lately, I have had insurance agents stop by my lake lake house trying to sell me an insurance policy. I guess I haven’t invited them to my home, however there they are. Last Monday night, I was in the middle of cooking a big dinner when someone showed up at my lake house about a life insurance policy I had applied for. I knew nothing about their corporation, and I legitimately hadn’t applied for more life insurance policies. This week, I had someone come to the lake house offering to provide me a price quote on a modern air conditioning system unit? My husband wanted to find out who told them I needed a modern air conditioning system unit? He told my husband that one of our neighbors had given him our names. If my hubby and I bought an air conditioning system device from him, they would receive theirs for free. I demanded the name of that friend, because I didn’t suppose they were much of a friend. I had bought a brand modern air conditioning system device at the beginning of summer season and all the people who knew me was aware of the modern A/C unit. I told this fraudulent sales agent that if I found out who had given my name to him, they would wear that air conditioning system unit up their butt! He blanched and walked out more quickly than he walked in.

