My friend Lisa spoils her dog like crazy

Even though the dog is hardly ever outside for more than five minutes at a time, she didn’t want it to feel chilly

My friend Lisa spoils her dog like crazy, and sometimes I can’t even stand to watch it. I’m all about loving animals, but sometimes you just tend to go a little bit too far, and that is what Lisa does. She buys the dog all kinds of clothing and the dog hates it. She makes it wear dumb little hats and last winter she even bought it a pair of waterproof boots to wear outside in the snow. I think that most of the time, she just does it because she thinks it’s cute and she wants everyone to look at the dog when they are out and about together. I just don’t understand why she wants to spend so much money on that dog, though. It seems like she would want to save it up for something more important or for an emergency fund. Anyway, last winter whenever she was buying those dog boots, she also decided that she needed to put in a heating system for the dog out on her back porch. Even though the dog is hardly ever outside for more than five minutes at a time, she didn’t want it to feel chilly. So she talked to her HVAC company about it and she ended up installing a ductless mini split out on the back porch for the dog. She enclosed the back porch with windows and now there is a heating and cooling system out there just for the dog. She says that she’s excited about the fact that this summer, her dog will be able to hang out on the porch in the air conditioning.


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