My air conditioning just won’t turn on

Something is wrong with the air conditioning and it just won’t turn on.

I don’t know all that much about heating and cooling systems at all, but I am trying to figure out what’s wrong with it myself. I just don’t want to call the HVAC company because I don’t want to have to pay a high air conditioning repair bill right now. At this point, I’m trying to save up money because I’m supposed to be going on a trip in a couple of months. I really don’t want to have to pay to get my air conditioning fixed, but I don’t want to live without it during the summer either. Anyway, I was doing some research online and I read that several thermostat issues can actually cause your air conditioning system not to turn on. Apparently, one of the most common issues that you might end up having is the fact that your thermostat is disconnected or you have loose wires. If the wires on your thermostat system are frayed or dirty, then your air conditioning system won’t be able to turn on because the connections aren’t there the way that they are supposed to be. You may also have another problem, which is a faulty thermostat. I figured that I could discover what was wrong with my air conditioning if it happened to be something with the thermostat. If it’s something wrong with the air conditioning system itself, then I have no idea what I’m doing. But I know that I can check all the wires on the thermostat unit and I can also make sure that the batteries are working! I’m going to troubleshoot all over that and see if I can’t get it to turn on. If I can’t, I’m going to break down and call the HVAC company.


