My friend Dave is looking for a more energy efficient home

I hope that they will be able to find something soon

My friend Dave told me that he is thinking about selling his house because he wants to move into a more energy efficient home. He lives in an older ranch style home with his wife, his son, and his stepdaughter. He says that the reason that he wants to move out is because the insulation in the house is terrible. Dave says that since the insulation is terrible, it ends up making the heating and cooling bills terribly expensive most of the time. I think that they will probably end up moving out of this house pretty soon because I think that Dave is just sick of having to deal with it. Even though he purchased a brand new high efficiency heating and cooling system last spring to help offset the cost of the heating and cooling costs, it still hasn’t really done very much for him to actually help him start saving money. He says that he can almost hear the heating and air conditioning flying outside through the windows and the cracks in his home. I think he’s probably imagining that sound, but I believe him when he says that he has really high heating and cooling bills. I told him that I would keep a lookout for any houses around here that might be a good fit for him and his family. I hope that they will be able to find something soon. Surely there is a nice high efficiency house around here somewhere that would be a good fit for them. We just have to look around and find it.


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