I have cold feet nearly all the time

I have cold feet nearly all the time and it’s even worse during the summer, which is weird.

  • I know that it shouldn’t be that much of an issue during the summer but since our air conditioning vents are all along the floors and the baseboards in our house, it actually makes the problem even worse for me.

Usually I think that I should actually have hot feet during the summer time, but that’s just not how it is for me. The air conditioning vent placement in this house was clearly not made for someone like me who suffers with chronically cold feet. I honestly don’t know if having chronically cold feet is actually even a medical thing, but it certainly is true for me. I have to wear socks and shoes all the time, or my feet are normally numb with cold. Having the air conditioning running in our house makes it so much worse. My husband always wants to have the central air conditioning system running during the summer because he is way more hot natured than I am. Sometimes I think that this is actually something that we should have discussed back before we got married whenever we first started dating. I guess it just wasn’t ever really something that I thought would be an issue for us. But it turned out that it has been a huge challenge for us in our marriage. Now, whenever I meet people who are engaged or who are thinking about moving in together, I always tell them to make sure that they know what their partner’s temperature setting preferences are!

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