I got a big promotion

I got a really big promotion at my job and that means that we are going to be moving soon.

  • I’m not all that super thrilled about the fact that we are going to have to move to a completely different state with a whole new climate and everything, but I am excited about the huge raise in pay that I’m going to be getting with the new position.

I know that everything is going to be very different once we move, including the climate of the area where we are going. It’s going to be much hotter there than it is where we currently live and so I know that we are going to have to start using central air conditioning for the first time in our lives. We have never had central air conditioning in any of our houses where we live now. It’s just not necessary around here because the temperatures rarely get anywhere above 75 degrees, even in the middle of the summer. That’s actually one of the reasons that we decided to stay here for as long as we have. We love the weather here, but I’m willing to leave this place so that we can start again somewhere else with more money and a better position at work. I think it will be really nice to live there once we get used to the fact that we are going to have to pay for really high cooling bills there during the summer. It’s going to be different, that’s for sure. I think that my kids are going to love it because they are going to be swimming all the time once we get moved in. It will be a lot different from where we live now, where we have to use the heating system for much of the year.

furnace/heater repair