The storm damaged my heating and cooling system

I live in the south, and when you have lived here for as long as I have, storms are a regular part of life here.

It is especially bad during the summer months when it is hurricane season. So when I was watching the news to find out what the weather forecast was going to be, I wasn’t too shocked when there was a hurricane coming my way. I told my husband about it and we took our normal precautions. We have a storm survival kit with all the necessities we may need in the case that it got bad. We have some waterproof flashlights, extra water, canned foods, batteries, a radio, a first aid kit, and some other miscellaneous items. On the day the storm came we got highwinds and lots of rain and lightning and we locked ourselves inside the house while the chaos went on outside. After the storm was over, I had started to feel cold and so I decided to try to turn on the heater, but to my surprise it didn’t respond. It didn’t do anything and so I went outside to inspect the damage. What I found was that there were several fallen limbs that had landed in my HVAC system and caused a bad backup. I didn’t want to take the risk of trying to remove them for myself and so instead I got in contact with my local heating and a/c business and had a professional come out to remove the branches that were clogging the HVAC unit. There were a few broken parts that needed to be repaired, and once I had paid for the repair I was able to continue using my heating and cooling system again.

furnace/heater service