Needed a window tint for security reasons

I swear my husband is like a fifteen year old girl when it comes to security.

  • He swears he is not afraid of robbers, but he certainly does a lot of security measures.

Anytime a door is unlocked, he locks it. He frequently locks me out of the house. He has security cameras posted up in every corner of our property. Our windows have sensors and there are motion detected lights around the property. Even with all this he was antsy. I hate the look of blinds and curtains. I like having my windows just open and able to see out of them. My husband isn’t happy that if you stood outside the house you could see in. He thought it was showing robbers when we weren’t home. He wanted to slap some 15 dollar blinds on every window and call it a day. I knew I would lose my view because he would always be closing them. So I researched better options. I found a residential window film company. They have a window film that shatters proof glass. A robber can make it spider web break but not smash it to pieces. My husband loved hearing that. Additionally you can add a tint to the windows that makes it so you can’t see inside. You can see from inside though. Again, my husband loved that he had almost the advantage over people. I don’t really care if anyone sees in my house. I am just glad I am still getting my gorgeous view. I wouldn’t have been happy to lose it.


Residential Window Film