Vehicle wrapping can be ugly.

I had been seeing these ads for vehicle wrapping.

They would place a shrink wrap ad over your car and you would get paid to drive your car.

According to the ad, I could make as much as $500 a week just by driving my car and letting people see the vehicle wrapping advertising their wares. At the time I signed the agreement, I didn’t give any thought to how the vehicle wrapping would look. I guess I was thinking about the ads that I saw on the sides of car doors, or those on bumpers or in the windows. All I knew was that once the vehicle wrapping was done, my car was ugly. The ad that I had chosen was a total vehicle wrapping that encompassed my entire car. The only place that didn’t have any ads was the side and front window. I was devastated and ashamed to drive my car. With a vehicle wrapping this ostentatious, I didn’t even want to be seen in it. I thought people would feel sorry for me for being so desperate for money that I would sink this low. The vehicle wrapping was only on for a few hours when I took my car back to the auto customization shop and asked them to remove the vehicle wrapping. The man behind the counter smiled and said I wasn’t the only one who had changed their mind about vehicle wrapping. He said that at least 50% of all car owners trying this, had brought their car back to have the vehicle wrapping removed.

staged kits