Need media media air cleaner for candle making

My husband goes from one supplier to the next.

She just can’t seem to find his passion in life.

She is legitimately quick to get a supplier name, product plus start advertising. Sticking with his supplier is what he struggles with. She has had some success with some plus that doesn’t seem to matter. The longest he has ever lasted is around 6 months. The newest supplier method is candle making. She certainly is doing well at it plus the orders keep pouring in. The university has picked his up plus the peculiar athletic departments are selling the candles as fundraisers. She also goes to craft sales plus even got a couple of his candles in peculiar stores at the local mall. Making candles is a smelly business. Our beach house has tons of scents wafting around. I have thought about buying an air purification plan just to help out our indoor air pollen levels. Right now the peculiar scents get sucked up into the air duct since our Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C is operating. Then the smells are transferred through the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C ducts into each room of the house. I get a headache with all the fumes. An air quality device certainly would make an improvement. I am hesitant to call the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C contractor over for the upgrade job though. I don’t trust our husband to stick with this interest. Once he is done candle making, I will have no need for an media media air cleaner. It cleans indoor air conditions, removes scents plus stops dust from lingering on surfaces. Maybe he will stick with this supplier though. Then I will be sorry.


Electric heating system