Extremely Tired and Appreciative of Good Cooling

Are you ever so exhausted that you know like you can hardly take another step? I know like that quite often – absolutely more often than for your average man.

I have a couple of chronic conditions, and I often tell people that I can still work, but don’t expect myself and others to do much more than that.

Anyway, when I get entirely exhausted and have a flare-up from doing too much, there is nothing I like better than having great a/c. I go to that control unit and flip the setting down multiple degrees and plop down next to the cooling system vent where the HVAC duct works its magic in our house. The next step is often getting something cool to drink and then going straight to bed. I occasionally will make the cooling even more urgent by increasing the control unit even colder and then get fluffy blankets to kneel under while I head off to dreamland. There is a man I suppose who lives south of the border where it gets almost as boiling as here, and he never uses a/c at all. I find that incredible and weird, to tell you the truth, however but I know that there are millions of people who do not live with modern conveniences like Heating, Ventilation, and A/C, but certainly I don’t think I would survive. When I used to teach English, the two of us used to learn a book every year that was about people living after the atom bomb was dropped on us. The people who died first were those who had medicine that needed to be refrigerated or otherwise cooled. With no electricity, there is no a/c and no refrigeration!



furnace filter