Critters in the air vents

Nothing makes me more sad than thinking about critters living in my house. I live in a southern temperature so it is moderate plus hot outside plus critters are attracted to this area! However, I pay a lot of money each month with a pest control corporation to make sure that they are killing all the critters in plus around my home. I think this might seem unethical to some people although I can’t risk the thought of having a bug at my house. It severely disfigures my mental health when I think about little critters running all around my house. So, when my partner called me at labor the other morning plus told me to rest down because he had some awful news I never thought it would have to do with critters living in our vents, my partner told me that he found out all of us have critters living in our air conditioning vents plus I have never been more freaked out. He told me getting the critters out of the air conditioning vents was a pretty easy service however all of us would need to move Out of the beach house for a few days just to make sure all of us didn’t ingest any of the insect repellent they were using. I have no problem leaving the beach house for a few days because I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the beach house at all knowing all of us had critters living in the air conditioning vent. I can’t believe we’ve had critters living in the air conditioning vents for this long plus I didn’t even realize. How am I going to be able to sleep even when I think the airlines are clean?

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