My heating expenses are low because I use a propane boiler

Unfortunately, I had to apply for food stamps this year.

After losing my job and having to take work at a lower hourly wage, I have struggled constantly with trying to keep myself afloat financially.

Eating ramen for all of my meals is the least of my worries right now. I need to desperately get my car fixed once I save enough money after visiting the doctor for my yearly checkup. I take several medications and my doctor will only continue to fill them if I see him at least once a year. I don’t know if it’s his rule or from the company he works for, but it doesn’t change anything. Some forget about how many life expenses get thrown at the average person every single year. And if you have pets, children, or both—the influx of expenses each month seems endless. There’s always something you can’t afford because of your limited budget. Even though it cost me an arm and a leg a few years ago, I had my HVAC supplier rip out my old central furnace and replace it with a propane boiler. Instead of wasting energy by sending warm air through cold ductwork during the winter season, I have switched a hydronic setup. The propane heater gets the water warm and then sends it through a network of channels throughout your house. In my case, I have radiators in every room that receive the hot water from downstairs and you can control how much goes through the device, thus controlling the temperature of the room. Getting radiant heat from water is so much better than a forced-air setup. Not only do you feel warmer, but you spend pennies to heat your house by comparison.

HVAC service