A small portable oil furnace for work

I work for a major timber supplier, and my main task is to go scout modern forests! Every one of us have a lot of rules and regulations to follow about what kinds of trees the people I was with and I want, and there are more environmental laws to follow than ever before. I went to college for botany, I specialized in studying trees, and on top of that I’m a bit of an outdoorsman so this is the perfect task for me, then usually I have to spend a few days in the woods, either camping or in the work truck. If at all possible I sleep under the stars, however oftentimes I need heating because it gets awfully chilly in the deep woods and building a fire is something I never do on these trips. It is much less often that I need AC, and on those sparse days I fold down the seat and just sleep behind the wheel with the engine idling. I have a little tiny electric oil furnace that I keep in the bed of the truck, just to keep the chill off, like I said ,I never build a fire because I am here to observe and report, not tear up the place, so the portable oil furnace is just perfect. It’s only about the size of a shoebox, and has a heating radius of many feet, however it is perfectly safe for the environment. The only time I ran into a problem was on a month long trip, because the oil furnace was too little, and battery ran dry on the second night in the wood.

Central heating