Being an HVAC technician can be very interesting

Being an HVAC technician can be very eventful.

Just like any job where you get to work with people, the job of an HVAC technician can have some exciting events happen.

My grandpa, who was an HVAC technician for years, and owned his own heating and cooling business, used to tell me so many different stories from when he was a normal HVAC technician. One story he told me stands out in my mind. Grandpa was out early that day working on air conditioners and furnaces. One house that he came to had a broken window air conditioner, and the woman that had called my grandpa said that it would be an easy fix. When my grandpa got to the house, the lady showed him the broken window air conditioner which she had placed on her kitchen table. The window air conditioner was completely demolished. Some parts were twisted and dented, and the air conditioner’s power cord was even damaged. He asked the lady what had happened, and apparently, her boyfriend had gotten her a new air conditioner, but she didn’t like it. She tried to tell him to take it back to the HVAC store and get a different one, but he liked it. She decided to take it out of the window and get it packed in the box and take it back to the HVAC store herself. Unfortunately, when she opened the window, the air conditioner slipped backwards and fell out. She was so worried that her boyfriend would be upset that she quickly called the HVAC technician and asked him to come fix it. This is just one of several stories my HVAC grandpa told.


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