Had to yell at the nurse to adjust the temperature control settings

I actually was pretty stressed out when I took my wife to the hospital for my child’s birth.

  • You would think that their number one priority would be to make sure my wife was comfortable, but it seemed like a lot of the nurses didn’t care about that.

They kept the A/C on way too high and I kept telling them to adjust the temperature control settings. We were there in that birthing room for a long time and I finally just shouted at one of the nurses to adjust the temperature control settings before my wife froze to death while giving birth. They finally gave in and it was finally starting to feel more comfortable in the birthing room. They should have just listened about the temperature control settings in the first place if they didn’t want to get yelled at. Finally my wife decided she wanted to get an epidural for the pain and I had to leave the birthing room while they took care of that. I guess it’s so that I didn’t distract the doctor while performing such a delicate procedure. They have to inject the numbing fluid into the spine so that she feels nothing below the waist. Well, that epidural sure helped a lot, but it still felt a little chilly in the room. When I spoke to the nurse one more time about adjusting the temperature control settings a little more so it wasn’t so freezing, she didn’t hesitate because she knew that I might yell about it again. I was happy when it was finally time to have my wife push and our baby is so beautiful. I’m just happy that they had a portable heater for the baby so she didn’t feel freezing coming into the world.


Dial thermostat