Research is education

They always say that research is education.

And this is true.

Anytime you are interested to find out more information on anything, that is self teaching. It does not matter what it is in, or what subject. I have been interested in more information about air conditioning. I have always been curious about the inner workings of air conditioning systems of all kinds. So I have visited many websites, clicked many clickable live links on the internet, and I have read hours and hours of material that told me more information about air conditioning. I have also read up about more information on central heating and air conditioning systems. Central heating and air conditioning systems are pretty interesting to tell you the truth. They have so much more inside of them than standard portable heating and air conditioning equipment. Heating and air conditioning as a concept is interesting in itself. But, again, ever since I started digging into more information about heating and air conditioning systems, my education and smarts have gone up in life! My brother thinks I am a total nut for wasting my time finding out more information about air conditioning and heating products. But I told him to just leave me alone and go have fun with his video games. Because that is all my brother likes to do, is just play video games, and I think he is a total moron for doing so. He needs to do more research on things like heating and air conditioning instead and expand his mind quite a bit!


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