Rats in my air ducts!

I’m not the kind of person that doesn’t take care of their HVAC unit.

I learned the hard way a long time ago that was a bad idea.

These days, I do everything I can to maintain my heating and air conditioning systems so that I can get the most out of them. I change the air filters regularly and I’m always sure to get regular preventative maintenance done on my HVAC unit. I’m always ready for extreme temperatures because my air conditioning unit is serviced long before the summer and my heating unit is serviced long before the winter. That’s the way it should be! So that’s why I was a little annoyed when I found out that there was a considerable amount of air flow blockage within my air ducts a few weeks ago. It had not been long at all since I had them thoroughly cleaned. Did the HVAC technician not do as good a job as I thought he did? I called out the same guy about the air flow problem I was clearly experiencing and he had some interesting news for me. A group of rats had decided to call my air duct space home. They had made a nest within the air ducts that was blocking air flow in addition to their filthy bodies blocking air flow! I was breathing rat air! He told me I could relax, because he knew an exterminator that helped him with this sort of thing. I told him it would be hard for me to relax until those rats were gone. Luckily, the infestation was taking care of that very day!
air duct

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