Living alone & setting the control equipment how you want

I don’t know how I am ever going to live with someone again after this year of residing by myself

I recently graduated from university & I have never lived on my own before. I certainly wanted to get my own arena after graduation so that I would know what it was like to live by myself. So far I have lived alone for about three months & I certainly adore it. I didn’t suppose I would like to live alone so much, but I can’t guess I didn’t try it sooner. I believe I was trying to save currency during university, but still residing alone is the best. I didn’t realize that having roommates was such a burden until I moved out on my own, however one thing I have observed since residing alone is that I can set the control equipment to whatever temperature I want. I know this sounds like a funny thing to suppose about, but when you have a roommate it is a constant battle over the control unit. One always wants it frigid & the other always wants it warm, and now, I don’t have to fight with anyone over the control equipment because it is my option what to set it on. I don’t know how I am ever going to live with someone again after this year of residing by myself. It is more lavish to live alone, but so far I have found that all the extra currency is worth it. I didn’t suppose that having control over my heating & cooling system was going to have such a positive effect on my life this quickly!


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