Air conditioning is a necessity.

I have had people argue with me when I tell them air conditioner is a necessity.

  • My brother insists air conditioner is a convenience that has made people soft.

No one wants to be out in the sunlight anymore, where they can soak up the natural Vitamin D it provides, then he was so miserable that I said it was a necessity, he went into a speech telling me that if it weren’t for air conditioner plus other new conveniences, my friend and I would not have nearly as much garbage in the landfill. The air would not be full of harmful gasses that would kill us all. She added that it was my new conveniences that made me the worst one in our family. She took my hair spray off my powder room counter, plus threw it in the trash. She grabbed my computer plus I was waiting for his to put it in the trash. She told me it was also one of those conveniences that add to the landfill. I grabbed his cell iphone plus asked if it was also a convenience? She told me his iphone was a necessity because it was his tie to work. I worked from home, plus I needed to do so in comfort. Without my air conditioner, I could not concentrate. I would have sweat rolling down my back plus face, which would leave me feeling dirty plus unable to work. I could not pay for his clothing or other fun stuff. She relented plus said air conditioner may be a necessity for me, however not for almost everyone. I knew he didn’t want to go without his iphone, food, or clothing, plus he would just shut up eventually.

Residential HVAC