I find HVAC technology to be confusing

And that is exactly what air conditioning technicians are for

I am sure glad we have heating and air conditioning technicians, because I find HVAC technology and A/C equipment in general to be confusing. I have had multiple people who have a better understanding of heating and cooling than I do, try to explain how it works, and the basics of repair. For me, it goes through one ear and out the other. I truly can’t remember how to repair anything, and I find air conditioners and heating units to be especially confusing. And that is why I am having a heating worker come out today, to repair the A/C component, because I sure couldn’t do it on my own. Honestly, even if I did have a better understanding of heaters and A/C devices, I still would rather let someone else deal with them than deal with them myself. I would rather be lazy and pay someone else to repair the problem for me. And that is exactly what air conditioning technicians are for. The heating and air conditioner worker is supposed to be here in a few hours, and when he arrives I will make sure to thank him for his hard work, and for making sure my cooling device is in good working order. I know it probably isn’t the best job out there, but we need cooling and heating techs, because without them there would be no indoor comfort. While I wait for the heating and A/C professional, I will run a few errands, by the time I am done, he should be about at my home.


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