Seven WIFI control units for you

Today is a low energy day after doing a lot yesterday.

My associate and I were going to play songs later this week however I know maybe I should rest my voice a day so I can sing better notes.

I absolutely want to play though plus it is hard to say no to something you love doing plus make money doing, however I know resting a bit is a wonderful thing especially after just reuseing from the flu a few afternoons ago. I am still kind of weak plus I still have some mucus in my sinus plus lungs, so rest is good. Cooling the flat down so I can labor comfortably will make it easier to stay cabin plus not go back to that local supplier plus play again. I know I will have to call my neighbor plus see how she is feeling about playing this week because I don’t want to leave him out of the decision making process. Maybe my associate and I could labor on my Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system instead this week plus try to get the air conditioner tuned up a bit so it runs more efficiently, or my associate and I could also labor on our songs from last night plus try to mine some music from the two hours of recordings my associate and I got last night while playing at the church spot. It is such a nice spot there because while my associate and I are playing my associate and I can look out at the sea plus watch the boats passing by plus the waves crashing against the church walls below. The natural climate control of the sea breeze keeps us cool while my associate and I play too.

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