Resting in weather conditions control

I’m kind of steering away from singing this week because my voice is pretty hoarse from the two hours of singing last year & it legitimately needs a chop this week.

I was sick for about ten mornings & just started feeling better the past few mornings & I think I should be gentle with my voice so I don’t end up losing it.

I would still like to play this week & maybe I could just drum & let my bandmate do the singing, although I would legitimately end up singing anyways so maybe it is better to avoid it altogether & rest. Climate control in my flat is keeping me comfy as I do my Heating & A/C labor online, & I think later there could be some volleyball games on the beach so not playing rock n roll has many perks this week, and let’s see what the bandmate says because if he is legitimately wanting to play then my friend and I may have to bite the bullet & play anyways; But I would be just as happy staying in my air conditioned flat & writing the rest of the morning. I also have to edit the rock n roll from last evening’s session at the epic church by the sea spot & try to pull a few modern rock n roll from the two hour recording. My pal and I had one song where my friend and I sang about space boilers & smart thermostats, making some fun rock n roll about our workdays writing about the industry. I think resting my voice this week is a fine thing because my friend and I could just as entirely play tomorrow & my voice will be a lot stronger.


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