My crush’s father is an HVAC company owner

I was in the cut room learning when she arrived.

My dad thinks she knows everyone, but whenever someone mentions a name, she tries to figure out where she heard it before; most times she comes with a reason for recognizing the name, but it has nothing to do with who the people I was with and I are talking about… Last month, I was telling him about the heating, ventilation, and A/C professionals that had been to our rooms at university. I told him how cute she was, and that I had gotten her business card. When she heard the real name, she was sure she knew the woman I told him she wasn’t much older than I was, and it couldn’t possibly be anyone she knew! And for the rest of the weekend, while I was home, she kept mulling over where she had heard the name before… And she even opened up over breakfast, and told me her father was the owner of the heating, ventilation, and A/C business in the city where I was going to university. I didn’t know anything about who owned the heating, ventilation, and A/C dealer, however the university repair team called the heating, ventilation, and A/C business and asked for an actual heating, ventilation, and A/C professional to work on the whole dorm’s furnace. I was in the cut room learning when she arrived. I had a date with the heating, ventilation, and A/C professional when I got to the beach loft from the long weekend, and I easily hoped dad didn’t know her father. That would be an embarrassing way to meet a boy’s parents. I told dad I was sure she was wrong, despite the fact that she had already gotten on the iPhone. She had gone to university with the heating, ventilation, and A/C professional’s dad, and they were about to renew their friendship, then nothing could be more embarrassing than that.
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