Tell mom I said Merry Christmas.

My sister and I keep in close contact.

Ever since I was shipped overseas, my little sister video chats to me at least once a week.

If she had problems with a boy, or if there is something she needs to know for school, she’ll video chat with me. Lucky for her I don’t have a girlfriend, or she would be out of luck getting in touch with me. Last week, she called and was upset. She told me that mom and dad were having a really difficult time. The HVAC technician told them they needed a new furnace, and they couldn’t afford one. They went to the bank, but they were already overextended with loans for her to go to school. I told her to relax, and I would do whatever I could. I didn’t want mom and dad to get another loan, and I was already hatching a plan to get a new furnace for them. I told her I would call her back in two hours, and be sure to be by the computer. I called the local HVAC company as soon as I hung up and asked if there was something we could do? I was able to order a new furnace and they were going to let me make payments for the next year. All I asked was that they tell mom and dad I said Merry Christmas. I called my sister back and told her to call the HVAC company and tell them what furnace mom and dad had and be around when the new furnace was installed. Together, they had a great Christmas present sitting in the basement, three days later.

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