Guest room is now best office in town with ductless heat pump

When asked some years ago about how I’d feel about working from home, I’m sure I must have given a long eye roll.

I was not into the idea of working remotely in the least.

My home was where I wanted to be when work was done. Work should be completed inside the commercial HVAC of the office. That’s the way I had done it my whole life. Of course, that was before we had a full on global health crisis. Due to a condition that put me at great risk of suffering with severe covid, working from home inside my air conditioning was the safest choice. The company sort of took the decision out of my hands though when they closed our offices and that great commercial HVAC. Everyone was going home to try and keep things going by working remotely. Just like I thought, I wasn’t all that into working at home. The house was full of kids learning from home on top of which my wife was trying to do her job in the air conditioning as well. Finally though, I found a rhythm and was amazed by how much better my work turned out to be. When the office was reopened I chose to stay home. At that point it wasn’t so much about getting sick as it was quality of life. I realized that working from home was a much better fit for me then the office. So I even turned our guest room into my full time office. The finishing touch was performed by the HVAC professionals when they installed a ductless heat pump. So now I even have the sort of quality heating and air that the old commercial HVAC of the office watch provided.

a/c worker