The coffee table didn’t go with the rest of the living room.

My sister-in-law had been redecorating her living room, and I couldn’t wait to see how she finished it.

I loved the dark green drapes she had over the picture window.

She had a subtle flower motif on a cream background in the sofa’s upholstery and chairs. Her loveseat was the same color as the drapes, and there was a soft mint green on the walls. When I looked at the coffee table, I was confused. It was a bright white, and it shined. I couldn’t believe she would have all these natural colors, and then go with a bright white shiny coffee table. I looked at the coffee table, over at her, and back at the coffee table. She bit her lower lip and muttered that she knew it didn’t match the room. I asked her what made her choose that coffee table? She whispered her mother-in-law made her do it. Her mother-in-law was my mother, and I knew how overbearing she could be. She tried to pick out my bedroom set when I got married, and my husband had to be the one to tell her no. I asked my brother why he didn’t say no to the coffee table, and he said he was too afraid of mom to say no. I rolled my eyes and got on the phone to mom. She was laughing when I told her about the coffee table, and it was glaringly noticeable that it didn’t go with the living room. She was still laughing when she said to get the receipt off the bottom of the coffee table and return it for whatever coffee table my sister-in-law wanted.
Natural wood furniture