Hired the wrong guys first

It was a great relief to my stress when I finally decided to stop beating myself up over silly mistakes that I’ve made in the past. I tended to be a perfectionist in just about everything that I did, so anytime I messed up in any way shape or form, I put too much guilt on myself and it caused a lot of problems. The latest occurrence of this is when I hired a completely inept HVAC company to solve the problem I was having with my faulty air conditioning system. I woke up one morning in the summer to discover myself dripping in sweat. I checked the thermostat, and it was nowhere near the setting I had set the previous night, so I panicked. I figured the air conditioner was completely broken, so I wound up calling the worst HVAC technicians I would ever know. I should have realized from the initial phone conversation that this was not the HVAC company for me. The person I was talking to didn’t seem to understand the symptoms of the problem I was describing, and I was a bit worried. By the time an HVAC technician arrived at my home and got to work, it was apparent that he had very little knowledge of either my specific air conditioning system, or any and all climate control systems! I was ultimately charged $200 for a job that I could tell was not thorough or well-informed. Sure enough, my air conditioner broke again a week later. After that I did more research into the reputation of local HVAC shops and found a much better option. Now I just need to forgive myself for not looking at the ratings of local businesses


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