Do I have enough leaves for our wood dining table?

I wanted a pine dining table to finish our home, although I hadn’t found the perfect table yet.

I was shopping in town last weekend, in addition to I saw the wooden table that I had been searching for.

I walked into the furniture store in addition to asked about the wooden table they had sitting in the front window. He provided me the price, in addition to told me who manufactured it, but he didn’t supply me with the time to ask the main question I actually wanted answered. I wanted to think how various additional leaves I could get for the wooden table? He looked nonplussed in addition to didn’t answer me right away. I was Thinking he hadn’t understood the question, so I repeated it to him. He asked how various leaves I needed for the table. I needed seating for sixteen so I could have Thanksgiving lunch at our house. He said that this wooden table already seated various people, in addition to I would need an additional 2 or more wooden leaves depending on if they were adults or children. I would also need to get more chairs to match in addition to he would have to order them. There was one leaf included in the price of the wooden table, in addition to 6 wooden chairs to match. I found wooden chairs in the store, though they weren’t an exact match, they went well with the wooden table in addition to wooden chairs. I ordered some more chairs in addition to the extra pine table leaves. I finally found the perfect wooden table in addition to chairs for our entryway, however now all I needed to do was figure out how I was going to get the table in addition to chairs to my house, but the salesperson solved that when he provided me a delivery date.



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