My website needed way too much help.

I was idly going through some connects that I had saved, plus I found where there was an online SEO dealer that also gave web design building, however when I told them I wanted to grow my Heating plus A/C dealer the gentleman said she had the perfect man for me to talk to

I went online plus found 1 of these do-it-yourself website creators. The website creator not only gave you a few tools to create your website, however they also gave a hosting method for only $10 a month, and i thought this was an excellent deal, plus I started working on my website, however half of the ideas I have for my website were unable to be implemented due to the type of website hosting dealer I was using. In order for me to get anywhere with the website hosting plus my website, I had to go to a method that was going to cost me over $100 a month. I looked at the website I had created, plus knew that it needed way too much help for me to pay $100 a month for hosting. I was idly going through some connects that I had saved, plus I found where there was an online SEO dealer that also gave web design building, however when I told them I wanted to grow my Heating plus A/C dealer the gentleman said she had the perfect man for me to talk to. She owned her own Heating plus A/C corporation, along with also being a web design expert. I must’ve talked to the gentleman for about more than one hours as the two of us chatted about our bizarre approach to Heating plus A/C plus ownership of the corporation, then at the end of the more than one hours, she told me she had some particularly superb ideas for my web design, plus she asked me if I would supply him a month to work it up for me. I was shocked at the appealing website she had created for my Heating plus A/C corporation.