The benefits of a personal trainer

There are two different schools of thought when it comes to working out.

Many people have a Do It Yourself approach to their routine.

This can mean working out at home, or just going for walks and eating right, but it entails handling everything yourself. The second school of thought is “leave it to the professionals” and that is where I currently find myself. I was always a DIY kind of guy, but as my body gets older I realize that I need the professional advice of a personal trainer. For years I wrote off personal trainers are just being gym rats who helped spot you on the weight bench. I have come to learn that the best personal trainers are highly educated, and know a lot about human anatomy and physiology. This means that a skilled personal trainer can evaluate your overall health and then craft a customized plan of exercise and nutrition to affect the results you need. I always thought that any exercise is good exercise, but my personal trainer has shown me that an educated approach and structure to my workouts makes a much bigger impact in a much shorter amount of time. I spend a lot less time with weight lifting than I used to, and now do a wide array of exercises meant to target specific problem areas in my body. Although weight lifting is still my favorite part of going to the gym, I am slowly coming to appreciate the benefits of swimming, shadowboxing, and yoga stretches. I highly recommend talking to a personal trainer.


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