New options in PE class

The weight lifting option is a very popular one, but in general most of the kids change their focus regularly

Back in grade school, and all the way through high school, my least favorite class was always PE. Is that what they called it where you grew up? PE stood for Physical Education, and while it should have been amazing, it was pure hell. The focus was never on getting into shape, or learning about bodies, it was about wrestling, basketball, and dodgeball. The PE coaches never really cared, and just wanted us to work up a sweat and then leave. Due to the grand irony of life, I wound up working as a PE teacher myself, but I wanted to do it differently. Adults have their pick of workout classes, in whatever interests them, so why shouldn’t kids have that too? Not everyone wants to play dodgeball, or play hoops, so I wanted to give fresh options like yoga and weight lifting. This way the different types of kids could select the kind of workout classes that fit them best, and I always left the option to change. Just because you want to try yoga doesn’t mean you want to only do yoga, you might want to switch it up sometimes. The weight lifting option is a very popular one, but in general most of the kids change their focus regularly. I feel the best approach to wellness and fitness is well-rounded, so changing the type of workout classes you take is smart for anyone. I hope that my approach to PE gives these kids a love of the gym and working out, because it will help them for the rest of their lives.

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