Keeping it real in the home gym

For me, the pandemic never ended, and never will.

I have bad lungs, to put it mildly, and even as a young man would have respiratory attacks when the pollen count got too high in the summer break.

Any kind of airborne sickness or particulate matter is incredibly harmful to me, which means that I never spend a lot of time outdoors. Since COVID hit, I am more homebound than ever before, and it looks like it will never change. Since going to the gym is out for me, I needed to find another way to keep in shape while stuck inside for the rest of my life. I have transformed my upstairs spare room into a health center, of sorts, a place where I can workout and stay entertained for as long as needed. The gym also has its own air purifier in it, to prevent the buildup of moisture in the air. Everyone wears masks these days, but back when I used to go to the gym I would be the only person in a mask. I must admit the home gym wins in that category, because working out in a mask is the worst! I have also hooked up an entertainment center in my home gym, so I can listen to music while I work out, or watch a tv show while I use the treadmill. There is even a clear area in the center of the room where I can put an online yoga class on the television and follow along with the yoga instructor from the floor.



Gym transformations