It’s a war with my kids over the HVAC system

When I assume back on it, I assume my siblings and I genuinely did sort of get after each other when I was a kid.

There were 3 of us and both of us yelled and argued a bunch as well.

However, when Mom told us to knock it off, both of us did. And both of us knew that if both of us didn’t we’d end up on the wrong side of his belt. Just as sure as there is air conditioning in summer, Mom wasn’t kidding and she had no qualms with corporate punishment. And maybe, that’s my problem. My fiance and I both just aren’t right with spanking our children. Nor do both of us go around screaming at them when we’ve had enough. But there had been some recent fights over the heating, ventilation, and A/C control unit setting that nearly prompted myself and others to lose my cool. It’s almost as if the teenagers decided to focus on the control unit setting as their location for arguing. And it got to myself and others in a hurry. If the teenagers want to have a shouting match outside or even in a single of their kitchens, so be it. I don’t love it and I’ll put an end to it when it crosses a certain line. But the fact is, I couldn’t come back to our new home and even get a minute of air conditioning in my own beach new home without another fight. So, I decided to call the heating, ventilation, and A/C dealer and just put an end to the whole control unit problem. The heating, ventilation, and A/C specialist came out and turned the existing heating, ventilation, and A/C component into zone controlled heating, ventilation, and A/C. There are now 6 separate control units in our new home so nobody can complain that they can find the control unit setting they want.

cooling technician