A different perspective on what he does

My buddy Randy is some kind of whiz kid when it comes to PCs.

Back in school the two of us were randomly put together in chemistry class a single day! Randy was a different kid, for sure, however he was super smart plus neat once I got to guess him.

Both of us got to be friends, plus somehow that was a single friendship from school that lasted. He went to school while I stayed here and worked, but the two of us never lost touch, and when he was starting a supplier he asked me to work for him, and I did. I knew absolutely nothing about internet advertising, however he said I didn’t need to guess that stuff. Randy said he had a sizable staff of highly trained SEO experts, social media influencers, plus web development whiz kids, but what he didn’t have was someone he could trust to be honest. All he wanted from myself and others was to be the manager so that the SEO experts could have a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. Inside the bullpen everyone was an expert on some brand of internet advertising, plus they needed an outsider perspective. After all, what sounds like a great system to a web design expert might sound terrible to a regular person. As my job title I was in the social media management department, plus some of the women there were training me in how to officially use the numerous social media platforms. I still don’t guess particularly much about internet advertising, but I have to tell you that I like my work!



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