We were happy mom hired a professional AC company to install the new unit

The house was complete, and we could not wait to move in.

Mom had done an excellent job of following up with the contractor until the work was complete.

At first, we were worried building such a huge home would take a long time. The contractor had assured us that was not the case, and he made sure he delivered. We were going to move in after two weeks since there were a few things to do. One was to set up an HVAC system in the house to keep it lovely and comfortable. We lived in an area where summers were sweltering and winters quite brutal. So air conditioning was a necessity and not a luxury like other parts of the country. Mom wanted to get her friend to come and install an AC system in our new home. While doing so would have saved her some money, we were all against that move. We told mom to make sure only a professional AC technician came to install the AC system. Mom had gotten in touch with an AC supplier in the city who sold the right energy-efficient HVACs for residential use. The AC supplier also insisted mom hired an HVAC expert team to come and install the air conditioner. Mom was finally convinced and agreed to hire an AC team to go to our new home. The team was entirely professional and had the right qualifications for the job. This made all of us happy because we had the surety they would do a good job. If anything went wrong, we also knew who to hold accountable for the installation contract we had signed. Another advantage was we got a free maintenance deal with the AC company for two years. An AC mechanic would come to check on the system twice a year without costing us any more money.


