Installing a ceiling fan helped us reduce the energy bill in our home

Dad was not happy one evening when he got home from work.

It seemed he’d had a rough day and I was concerned.

I made sure he was all rested before I asked him what had happened. It turns out he had to take a pay cut because the company was not doing well. That was why he was stressed out due to the high utility bills in our home. Mom and I began to talk about measures we could take to lower the electric bill. We lived up north, and the heating bill was always high. We researched and noticed we could use a ceiling fan to help regulate air conditioner use in our home. The ceiling fan was a better way of making sure cool or warm air was well-spread in our home. This was a huge advantage which would make sure we never had to crank up the AC to keep certain parts warm. Dad was happy to hear the progress we had made in the research and asked us the next step. We told him we had to get an AC expert to come to the house as soon as possible. They’d help us work out the best ceiling fan location and service our home air conditioning system. By servicing it, the AC unit would not need as much energy to keep working effectively to keep our home warm in winter. The following morning, mom got on the phone with an AC technician to book an appointment. The technician got to the house, and we told him about setting up a ceiling fan. He agreed it would make distributing the conditioned air throughout the house more accessible, thus lowering the energy bill. Also, he took time to inspect our HVAC unit and noticed we needed a new AC filter. The old one was not only clogged with dirt. It was old and would slow down the AC system.

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