A local beekeeping residential service helped me start my first honey hive

I have always had a huge affinity for honey and all of the products that utilize it.

It started when my mom started making peanut butter and honey sandwiches for me while I was growing up.

It’s not that I didn’t like jelly or jam, because I often ate those as well. What happened is she made it for me one day to try and I instantly fell in love. I took it for lunch to school everyday for years and never got tired of it. As I got older, I started having honey with other consumables, especially iced tea. I make it from scratch with tea bags and usually sweeten it with honey only. Obviously the quality of the honey has a huge effect on how the tea tastes in the end. You can get extremely cheap honey from the grocery store, but I like to buy artisan honey whenever I can find it on sale. Since it isn’t easy to find good prices on high quality honey, I started to consider trying beekeeping as an extra hobby. My thought process was that I could possibly create delicious honey for little cash and constantly have it in my pantry to eat with everything. Despite looking on the internet through forums and various videos, I didn’t feel like I knew enough to get started with beekeeping. That’s when I discovered a local residential beekeeping service. They teach you everything you need to know to tend to honey bees, and some of them sell their own equipment for the entire process. The beekeeping residential service that I used was extremely helpful and answered all of the questions I had lingering after scouring the internet for information. Now I have two hives in my backyard that are slowly accumulating honey. I can’t wait for when it’s time for harvest.


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