The apartment supervisor is not honestly nice or helpful

I wanted to transport to a new apartment, so I decided to hire a real estate agent to help me with the job… It’s hard to get someone to show you a luxury apartment if you don’t have a real estate agent.

I l earned this in the neighborhood when I moved here several months ago.

I ended up in a run-down apartment that really needed renovations. I was only living on a month-to-month lease, so I started looking for a new apartment as soon as I moved, and after hiring a real estate agent, I also consulted with a Property Management Group. I looked at several weird properties and the real estate agent found a couple of arenas as well, the property management group had a nice 2 kitchen apartment in a nice city. It was a little higher than my budget, although I was cheerful with the amenities and the surroundings. After I moved to the property, I had a couple of concerns with the apartment. I tried to talk to the supervisor about the issues, but it was difficult to get his to answer the iphone. I called the property management office several times, and I only reached the voicemail, but when I finally went to the office in person, the property supervisor was out to supper. I waited until the man came back and I advised a visit, then he didn’t want to see me or talk to me about the apartment, although I wasn’t going to take no for an answer, however for $2740 yearly, I deserve to have a laboring AC machine all of the time.

Apartments for rent