Because of my commitment to making the office more comfortable, I earned a promotion

At work lately, I have been feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

I know I’m not the only one because I had spoken with numerous co-workers about the issues with the temperature control settings in the building. Eventually, everybody started telling me that I needed to talk with the boss about the issues with the temperature control settings so that everybody could be comfortable for a change. So I arranged to have a meeting with the boss and we talked about the issue that was on everybody’s mind. He was surprised that I spoke with numerous co-workers about the HVAC issue and I was able to tell him what everybody was concerned about. He let me know that he had been thinking about having the HVAC upgraded, and he asked me to do some research on the best HVAC companies who provided the best work at a reasonable price. So I did my homework by reading reviews and looking at ratings. I presented a list to my boss with the best HVAC companies in a top 10 list. The boss was very impressed and I’m glad he chose the number one pick, even though they were slightly more expensive. We had the HVAC system upgraded and working great after the HVAC professionals came through and the temperature control settings were nice. The boss later spoke with me again and said that I truly showed initiative. I was given a promotion with my own office, and I became a part of the management. The boss said that because I exhibited leadership and was able to work with all the people, I deserved the promotion.

a/c service