The air conditioning in our hubby’s truck is not laboring

The air conditioning in our hubby’s truck is not laboring.

I know absolutely poor for the awful guy. He uses his work truck most of the time. It absolutely doesn’t help that the temperatures have been in the nineties for the past few days. I am so ecstatic that he was able to get at least the fan laboring once again. He is trying to find the time to repair the air conditioning, however he has been so tied up lately that he hasn’t been able to take much time to figure out what is even wrong with the air conditioning. He thinks that he needs to replace the air conditioning line, however he is not sure. Hopefully, he will be able to figure it out tonight. He plans to get done with work a few fourths earlier tonight so that he can get that air conditioning fixed or at least figure out the problem. He has had to repair the air conditioning before, however it was just a temporary repair I guess. He said that he patched a leak in one of the air conditioning lines a few weeks ago, plus he thinks that the patch entirely started leaking. If that is the case, he plans to simply replace the entire air conditioning line. I hope that he can figure out what is wrong with the air conditioning tonight. He has to work a lot this weekend, so he won’t have much time if he can’t figure out the problem with the air conditioning tonight. He will have to wait until next week to repair the air conditioning if he can’t figure it out plus repair it tonight.



Heat pump repair