Lots of Sun and Blue Skies Means Kingdom of the Heat Pump

It also helps to go outside and make sure there are no obstructions around the HVAC condenser cabinet

Does it really get much more versatile and brilliant than the heat pump? I think my answer can be gleaned from the fact that my entire neighborhood hums with the sound of that HVAC wonder. I would guess almost all of the homes in this region rely on the heat pump for heating and cooling. In our region, it is the cooling that is the top priority. The heat pump more than delivers on that need. While heating comes second around here, that heat pump gets that done super easy. This are requires reliable, quality HVAC cooling and that’s where the heat pump steps right up. However, a homeowner needs to step up as well in an effort to assist the heat pump in doing its job. It starts with a very sealed up home. There isn’t all that much to it. It took me a couple of weekends with a caulk gun to locate and fill all the gaps that HVAC treated air might leak out. This is not some sort of nerd algebra, we are all capable of rolling up our sleeves a bit in the name of efficiency. I even went to the attic and sealed that perimeter really tight. I even added some extra insulation while I was at it. The next thing was being certain the HVAC had maximum, unobstructed air flow. That starts with changing the air filter every month without fail. It also helps to go outside and make sure there are no obstructions around the HVAC condenser cabinet. I yanked all the weeds and made sure the HVAC cabinet was free of debris. The heat pump is awesome. It just needs a little help to stay awesome.


HVAC repairman