My dad has some wild stories

One of our favorite things I like to do ever since I was a kid was going to visit our Grandpa.

Despite his old age this guy always the best stories to tell plus he is the funniest person I know; Now that I am older plus can’t make it back lake beach house as often due to work plus family I always cherish the times that I am able to come lake beach house plus visit with him.

I can still remember when I was back at lake beach house while we were in the holiday season last year plus our Grandpa told myself and others the craziest story yet… He was telling myself and others of a time when he was stuck out at his families fishing lodge while we were in the middle of the Wintertide when he was fifteen years old. An unexpected blizzard had rolled into the section plus hit while he was ice fishing! Back in those afternoons there wasn’t Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C luxuries like heated furnaces plus radiant flooring available to everyone, so the only thing he could do to avoid freezing to death was start a fire… My Grandpa ended up telling myself and others while I listened in amazement was that he went on to start a fire in the fireplace by using his own coat plus gloves to start the fire. According to him he ended up having to wait there for nearly a afternoon before his parents were able to make it to him. He said that he was so chilly that he spent 5 hours next to the heated gas furnace at his house. My Grandpa has been known to embellish his stories from time to time, but if this story is really tplot then it absolutely takes the cake for best story if you ask me!


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