I hate that I have to replace my furnace before next winter

I just don’t see any other choice

There is nothing worse than the sinking feeling that you will get in your heart when you realize that your furnace has stopped working for good. Even though you could pay an HVAC technician to repair your furnace, you realize that the cost to keep this old, clunky furnace won’t be worth it in the long run. This is exactly the feeling I got last February. It was the first time during that whole winter when the temperature dropped below 0 degrees, and I wasn’t sure how my furnace was going to handle the cold. Well, apparently, my furnace also wasn’t sure how it was going to handle the cold. In the middle of the night, I woke up to find a freezing house and a broken furnace. I called the HVAC technician, and he told me that the furnace needed more repairs than it was worth. He recommended that I buy a temporary propane heater and that I prepare to replace my furnace before next winter. For the entire summer, I have been dreading the wintertime. Problem after problem has popped up in my life, and I am not sure how I am going to be able to afford a new furnace before next winter. I know that I can’t afford to purchase the furnace, but I also hate getting into debt to replace my furnace. I just don’t see any other choice. I hate having to worry about heating my house and HVAC technicians. I wish that life could go back to the days when I had a working furnace.

indoor air quality