Why is it so taxing to repair a window AC unit?

You would assume that since the window AC component is so much smaller than a central a/c unit, that it would provide you smaller problem.

  • You would also assume that the smaller a/c component would be easier to fix.

I thought that it would not only be easier to fix, but that I should be able to repair the AC component on my own. When my AC component quit blowing the cool air I thought it should be blowing, my male ego set in. I looked at that AC component and thought to myself, how easy it would be to tear it apart. It was extremely easy to tear apart, it was the diagnosing that was hard. I had all of the area sitting around the living room, although I didn’t know where to put them back. I didn’t know how to test the parts, to see which 1 was malfunctioning. My friend was a Heating, Ventilation & A/C worker and I asked him to come over to my house. She took 1 look at the jumbled pile of parts and she began to laugh. She asked me how much I had had to drink, which I didn’t take really well. I told him the AC component was calling my name and daring me to repair it. She told me to sleep it off while she tried to make sense of the mess. Later that day, she had the AC component back together, but the two of us were taking it to the recycling center and going to buy a new AC unit.

a/c installation

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