
These days one of the biggest hot button issues that desperately needs to be addressed is the student debt problem.

Every single person who has to finance their own education seems to wind up with an overwhelming pile of student loans at the end of their academic career It is truly resulting in a generation of young adults who can’t afford the basic necessities of life, and struggle until they reach middle age to find any financial security.

I can tell you from experience, this sensation is extremely stressful and disheartening to face as you try to find a first job and make a small life for yourself. It’s actually so severe that I often have to choose between paying my student loans and having the basics that I need to survive, such as food and electricity. See, living paycheck to paycheck means that I sometimes can’t even afford to pay off my utility bills at the end of the month, especially if it has been quite hot or cold outside. Whenever temperatures reach either extreme, it means I have to operate my home’s central heating and cooling system, which eats up a ton of energy. Because I can’t afford to live in a modern home, my old HVAC system is super energy inefficient and expensive to operate. But I can’t live without heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer, so I’m forced to run the temperature control system no matter what. This makes for difficult months, when my only option is to skip grocery shopping so I can pay my debts.

cooling technician