Putting new cooling approach to the test

Well, it’s put up or shut up time now, and my friend and I are heading right into the teeth of a hot, steamy, southern Summer.

And I’m going to find out if my new approach to air conditioning my dwelling is going to pan out… I had to do something though for crying out loud.

I could have purchased a boat with the money that we were spending on just cooling the dwelling From March through October, then seriously, we were spending crazy amount of money when it came to the utility costs buddyd with air conditioning, but then again, we had never experienced anything like the Summers down here. Enough is enough though. As retirees, we have to keep a close eye on our spending plus keep to our budget. Don’t want to outlast my money. So this year, it was a whole new deal when it came to the demand we put on the heat pump. I talked with my local friends who have far more experience than I do when it comes to reining in the air conditioning costs. And while there were a number of interesting strategies shared, there was also a respected theme, however less is more, that’s what I was hearing. Don’t reach for the thermostat in March as it warms. And even in May, just turn on the cooling only when you easily need it on an unusually sizzling mornings. And then, once the deep heat plus humidity descend, be disciplined with the thermostat setting plus uses fans all the time. So we did the first part as we’ve been super selective with the air conditioning. My friend and I opted to keep the windows plus doors open instead. But we are now close to leaving the thermostat on cooling. So I know we’ll see just how much we can save.

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