It was surprisingly chilly in the evening considering we are still in the summer season

The other evening, I went out with my children to check out different constellations.

My son also brought out his telescope so we set that up.

It was cool checking out the different stars, planets, and the moon. Of course, it was surprisingly chilly outside. I told everybody to wear a jacket because it was chilly enough for that and there was a breeze as well. I believe we were out there for around an hour and of course we walked the dogs a little bit during that time as well. I realized after a while that it was just too chilly outside. Because we are still in the summer season, I couldn’t bring myself to turn on the heating system. We simply kept all the windows shut and the house was actually just the right temperature without having to use the HVAC system. I guess it goes to show that we have decent insulation in our home. I was tempted to get a fire going in the fireplace, but it just wasn’t necessary. I could have turned on my electric fireplace in the bedroom too, but it just didn’t feel cold in the house at all despite the fact that it was so chilly outside, somewhere in the high 50s. Still, the kids had a good time while we were outside checking out the different stars and constellations, and they said we should do this again the next evening. I wasn’t too sure about it because the weather forecast was calling for another very chilly evening, and I didn’t want anybody to come down with a sickness.

Heat pump installation