Need to Take Another Covid Test

I’ll be flying to Europe in 4 days, can’t wait for that, plus I will need to get my Covid test.

I’ve had several vaccine shots now plus also got Covid 2 years ago so I am pretty much immune to the thing now.

I am not looking forward to the long trip back home but I am pretty happy about returning to my old life there plus my other set of friends, however my task as an HVAC tech is waiting for me at the HVAC store when I get back there. I guess I am going to get a roommate when I get back to cut my expenses down plus to have someone living there to take care of the site when I come back here to the states for my 2 month visit. Bob, my HVAC supplier neighbor is looking for a site so I may ask him if he wants to room with me. Bob can take the master home office plus spend money a bit more while I’ll use the small home office plus live cheaply. Bob earns more than I do as he runs the whole HVAC supplier basically plus works a lot of hours. I won’t even see Bob much because he goes to work before I even get up plus when he goes to bed I am still out at the beach playing ball. Bob is good at fixing any heating plus cooling complications in the home so that is another major plus of having him as a roommate. I guess the two of us will do well living together plus I am stoked to have someone to hang out with at the condo once in a while.

Air conditioning filter